Easy payments and transaction control with your Sparkle cards

Make secure and easy payments online and in-person with your Sparkle cards. You can get cards for your team members too for easy business expense management

Sparkle’s distinct colour gradient on the Sparkle Card is unique and commands attention whenever you pull out your Sparkle card in stores, filling stations, restaurants and basically whenever you’re outdoors making a POS payments.

The Sparkle card also has sleek transactional features that allow you manage your transactions, budget or limit how much you intend to spend in a day, week or even a month. Freedom in your hands.

Manage your Business accounting, store keeping & payment ca

Incase your physical card gets missing or needs to be replaced, as well as other card controls

You can simply block and deactivate your Sparkle card from your app incase of emergencies where your physical card ismissing, or your card information is compromised.

Once this is done, the card is deactivated and cannot be used anymore. You would be required to create a new card to resume transactions with your card.

You can simply block and deactivate your sparkle card from your app

Get discounts and offers using your Sparkle card at our partner merchants

Apart from being able to make payments and manage your transaction limits with your Sparkle card, you also have access to discounts and offers for transactions made with our partner merchants.

Whether it is 15% off GIGM payments when you Pay through the App, 10% discounts off any meal at NoK by Alara, or 10% off payments made at the beach, hotel or bar at Landmark, your Sparkle Card is the gateway to limitless possiblities.

You can simply block and deactivate your sparkle card from your app

Frequently Asked Questions about Sparkle Cards

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